Australia Vows To Sell Coal For Decades Despite Climate Change Pact

“We have said very clearly we are not closing coal mines and we are not closing coal-fired power stations”.

Australia Vows To Sell Coal For Decades Despite Climate Change Pact
Australia Vows To Sell Coal For Decades Despite Climate Change Pact

Australia said Monday it will sell coal for “decades into the future” after spurning a pact to phase out the polluting fossil fuel to halt catastrophic climate change.

More than 40 countries pledged to eliminate coal use within decades during the COP26 UN climate summit in Glasgow, which aims to cap the warming of Earth since the Industrial Revolution to between 1.5 and 2.0 degrees Celsius.

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Australia, along with some other major coal users such as China and the United States, did not sign up.

“We have said very clearly we are not closing coal mines and we are not closing coal-fired power stations”.

Australian Minister for Resources Keith Pitt told national broadcaster ABC.

Defending Australia’s decision, Pitt said Australia had some of the world’s highest quality coal.

“And that is why we will continue to have markets for decades into the future. And if they’re buying… well, we are selling.”

Demand for coal is expected to rise until 2030, the minister claimed.

“If we aren’t to win that market, somebody else will,” Pitt added.

“I would much rather it be Australia’s high-quality product, delivering Australian jobs and building Australia’s economy than coming from Indonesia or Russia or elsewhere.”

Australia is one of the world’s largest producers of coal and natural gas, but has also suffered under increasingly extreme climate-fuelled droughts, floods and bushfires in recent years.

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Prime Minister Scott Morrison’s government unveiled last month a 2050 net-zero emissions target but the plan was criticised for lacking detail and relying heavily on as-yet-unknown technological breakthroughs.


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