World Sickle Cell Awareness Day

An International day that strives to raise public awareness and understanding of sickle cell disease.

World Sickle Cell Day- SurgeZirc NG
World Sickle Cell Day- SurgeZirc NG

World Sickle Cell Awareness Day is celebrated every year on June 19th. This international awareness day strives to raise public awareness and understanding of sickle cell disease, as well as the problems that patients, families, and carers experience.

It is critical to understand that sickle cell disease is a blood cell illness that causes red blood cells to form a sickle or moon shape due to an anomaly in the oxygen-carrying protein hemoglobin.

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These irregularly shaped cells can adhere to artery walls, obstructing blood flow and inhibiting appropriate oxygen circulation. As a result, people with sickle cell disease have insufficient healthy red blood cells.

Sickle cell disease patients are additionally at risk of consequences such as stroke.
Stroke, acute chest syndrome, blindness, bone injury, and priapism are all possible outcomes.

Individuals with sickle cell disease may develop organ damage to the liver, kidneys, lungs, heart, and spleen over time. Complications of the illness can sometimes be fatal. The primary goal of sickle cell disease treatment is to prevent and manage these consequences.

According to studies, Nigeria has the highest global burden of sickle cell disease (SCD) and is the top sickle cell endemic country in Africa, with an estimated 150,000 child deaths each year, accounting for more than 8% of infant mortality in the country.

Every year, approximately 300,000 newly diagnosed sickle cell infants are born worldwide, with at least 100,000 babies dying from the condition in Nigeria, making it the world’s sickle-cell endemic country.

Unfortunately, awareness of sickle cell disease in Nigeria remains abysmally low, with many Nigerians, particularly in rural communities, remaining uninformed of the disease.

It is important emphasizing that sickle cell disease testing is straightforward. A genotyping test may establish whether a person has the sickle cell trait (AS), and as long as carriers do not partner with other carriers, none of their offspring will have sickle cell disease.

Unfortunately, there have been allegations of couples faking their genome and phenotypic test results in order to marry. Medical professionals typically encourage AS genotype persons to locate partners with the AA genotype, as this ensures that none of their offspring will have sickle cell disease.

Despite advice and cautions, many people Individuals suffering from sickle cell problems would be able to receive timely and effective care at these specialized centers.

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Furthermore, more healthcare staff should be encouraged to specialize in caring for sickle cell patients. This can be accomplished by providing incentives to those who desire to study certain disciplines, such as scholarships, grants, or additional benefits.

We can ensure that there are enough qualified experts to give quality care to people with sickle cell disease by rewarding healthcare workers.

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